Monday, February 11, 2008

February 11, 2008

I have been slightly depressed of late and haven't been tracking everything I've eaten or done to reach my goal. I apologize for this to myself more than anything, from now on I will not slip anymore. Although I did not record anything for the past 3 days, I still are relatively healthy, with the exception of 1 personal cheese pizza.

1:30 pm - Ate 2 cups of pasta with broccoli, chicken, red and yellow peppers, and 2 ounces of chicken.

2:45 - 3:30 pm - Had a medium intensity Leg workout focusing on the hamstring, quadriceps, and calves. I'm still feeling some mild tenderness in my right ankle so I have not gone back to heavy weight squats yet.

3:34 pm - Drank 1 fruit smoothie. Took 1 multi-vitamin, 1 super B-complex supplement, and 1 fish oil supplement.

10:30 pm - Ate 6oz grilled chicken and 1.5 cups of pinto beans.

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